
Points to change your life with subconscious affirmations


Words have the power to change lives! !


It was so easy to live life happily.

First, I have a question for you.
“Suzuki-san. Suzuki-san. Suzuki-san.”
If you call Mr. Suzuki, who do you think will come?

Mr. Suzuki is coming.

“Tanaka-san. Welcome!”
If I call you, who do you think will come?

Mr. Tanaka is coming.

Even if you pray in your mind, “Mr. Suzuki, Ms. Suzuki, Ms. Suzuki,” Mr. Suzuki won’t look back.
If you put it into words and say “Suzuki-san”, Suzuki-san will come.

That’s right.


“In the beginning there is a word”.

“In the beginning was the word” is a famous verse from the Bible book of Genesis.

“In the beginning was the word. The word was with God. The word was God.”

What is the meaning of “there were words in the beginning”?


“By the words that occur, a phenomenon that makes you want to say it again falls.”

It seems that it represents the law (law of the universe).


It says from conclusion····

People can be reborn with words.


With the power of this word, you can make your subconscious mind positive or negative.

This difference allows some people to maintain a positive attitude in any situation, while others see it as if a little bit of bad luck happened and everything was ruined.

You want to spend every day having fun.

Therefore, in this article, we will introduce a technique called affirmation that controls the subconscious that is the foundation.



What is an affirmation that changes the subconscious mind?


It is important to plant positive and fresh thoughts and images in your head to appeal to the subconscious.

Affirmations are things you say or do as if you have everything you want.

By actually putting it into words, the subconscious will gradually change from negative to positive thinking.

Here are some important points to make this affirmation more effective.

start with “I am”

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This word has the function of giving commands to the brain and prompts action.


When speaking, it is important to start with “I am~”.

Even if you consciously or put it into words, “He will produce results.”

It doesn’t affect him at all, and it’s hard to connect to your own actions.

As a brain mechanism, the act of speaking activates the brain,

You can drive the words and phrases into your subconscious mind.

And by making the subject the first person, it seems that the subconscious becomes easier to appear in action.


use present tense



Express yourself as if the goal has already been achieved and you are enjoying it.


You can trick your subconscious mind by choosing words that are already real.

Rather than just keep wishing for a wish,

You will be able to relax your feelings and behave with ease.

By entering from the very form,

You can gradually fill the gap between reality and ideal.

do not express negatively




The subconscious mind cannot recognize negative sentences, so avoid them.

What does it mean to not recognize negative sentences?

For example, even if you say, “I don’t eat sweets,”
As a subconscious, you can’t imagine “no”.

Therefore, the word “sweet things” is focused,
You may notice things that are extremely sweet, hear conversations, and even want to eat them, or you may end up eating them more easily.

If you want to express yourself, use positive expressions such as “I love healthy food.”

expressed simply

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Express your goals as concisely as a TV commercial.
Goal: “I will lose 60kg by the end of August this year.”
Affirmation: “I feel great at 60kg”

If you make a complicated expression, you can’t affect the subconscious.

When there are too many words, phrases, and expressions, it becomes difficult to know which one to prioritize and it becomes the same as other information.

In other words, nothing will change from normal life,
Try to keep it simple, like the affirmation above.


Express concretely



If you want results, use exact numbers.
Example: “I get good grades” → “I am celebrating the sales performance of 〇〇”

Some people may get tired of being told too much, but it is important to be specific, such as by including numbers.

“I want to be rich”

rather than

“I’m 40 and earning 30 million”

Many people say that it’s easier to achieve their goals, and they don’t take detours when they’re actually on their way to their goals.


envision an image in action

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Visualize yourself taking action.
Example: “I am honest” → “I express myself honestly and confidently”


If you infiltrate the image of acting subconsciously,

Unconsciously, it leads to such behavior.



quote therapy

This is a book written by my favorite genius copywriter, Kotaro Hisui.

Surprise! Impressed! It is a recommended book.






By using techniques such as affirmations in this way, you can control your subconscious mind to some extent.

If you can input your subconscious as you think,
After that, it will appear in actual actions such as self-improvement and motivation.

Such things are not spiritual,
It can be said that it is a way to follow the mechanism of the brain.

Please use your own awareness.

I would be happy if you could refer to it even a little.

Thank you for reading to the end.




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