


チーム仕事を成功させるためには・・サイボーグ流○○○ TOM ♪赤いマフラー、なーびーかーせてー 懐かしいですね。小学校低学年の時分に、このアニメ映画を観に行って、帰り道、主題歌を絶叫しながら帰ってきた記憶がありますね。石ノ森章太郎の代表作『サイボーグ009』。いったい何が当時の子どもたちの心を鷲摑みにしたのでしょうか?001から009までの9人のサイボーグ戦士たちは、国籍も違えば個性も違います。そして改造されて身につけた特殊能力で悪と戦います。結論:「サイボーグ009」は”チームワーク”がキモなのです。そこで今回の記事は、サイボーグ009たちの「チームワーク」について紹介します。チーム仕事を成功させるためには・・


先輩!ズバリ 営業のコツと心得を教えてください!そんな悩みを解決します。いいわよ、覚悟して聞いてね.営業のコツを知りたい・・・と思っている人は数えきれないほどいることでしょう。あなたも知りたいですよね。多くの人が悩み、苦しんだ末に商品を売っているのが営業マンの現状ではないでしょうか。そんな時にパッと売れるような営業のコツを知っていれば、営業という仕事がどんどん楽しくなってくるものです。そこで今回の記事は、「営業のコツ」をご紹介しますのでぜひ参考にして実践してみてください。

I want to generate ideas! How to generate fresh ideas

“An idea is nothing more than a new combination of existing elements.”This is the definition of an idea given in How to Produce Ideas by James Webb Young.But how exactly do you come up with new ideas?I will answer such questions.Fresh ideas may be right in front of you! !Therefore, this article is based on what you see in your daily life. Here are some tips for generating fresh ideas.

What is the psychology of fear of failure? “What is the secret to not being afraid of failure?

senior! I am afraid to fail! I know that feeling We will solve such problems. Are you the type of person who fears failure? Or are you the fearless type? Most people are probably the type that fears the former failure. Human beings have a protective instinct, and they have a habit of eliminating things that hurt them. However, there are some people who don't feel that fear and take on more and more challenges and eventually achieve success.

Philip Kotler quotes, the god dimension of marketing

Known as the "God of Marketing" and the "Father of Modern Marketing" Management scholar Philip Kotler. Philip Kotler was born in America in the midst of the Great Depression in 1931. As if the Great Depression had become a teacher on the other hand, He became a professional in business administration, which is broadly classified as economics. He is a marketing god so famous that there are no people who don't know him for those who are learning marketing.In addition, the American management scholar who is said to be the fatheof modern marketing.Philip Kotler.Those who have heard the name but don't know the details.So, in this article, Philip Kotler talks about marketing in the modern economy.I will introduce a number of famous sayings.