
What is the psychology of fear of failure? “What is the secret to not being afraid of failure?

失敗を恐れる心理とは? 失敗を恐れないための極意とは?ビジネス


senior! I am afraid to fail!



I know that feeling


We will solve such problems.


Are you the type of person who fears failure?

Or are you the fearless type?


Most people are probably the type that fears the former failure.

Human beings have a protective instinct, and they have a habit of eliminating things that hurt them.

However, there are some people who don’t feel that fear and take on more and more challenges and eventually achieve success.

For those who are just scared, they will be able to see them shining.

So what’s the difference?

Therefore, in this article, we will introduce the characteristics of those who are not afraid of failure and those who are afraid of failure, and how to become a person who is not afraid of failure.



What are the characteristics of people who are not afraid of failure?


People who are not afraid of failure have clear goals

People who are afraid of failure have a narrow vision and focus on what is in front of them,
We tend to lose sight of the big goals and objectives ahead of us.

But those who are not afraid of failure have clear goals and
We are taking action to reach that goal.

Small failures are minor incidents in the face of big goals.

He believes that he will not stumble even once while walking a long road.

Failure is a matter of course, just one event out of many experiences.
That’s how I see it.

You don’t have to worry about failure because you don’t have a negative feeling about it.

I look for elements that I can learn from it, reflect on it, and make use of it to move forward.

Failure is not something you shouldn’t have done, but the result of having the courage to take on challenges.

The bigger the goal you set, the less you can stick to the small things.

Also, if you experience failure several times, you will get used to dealing with it after failure, and you will gradually come to think that it is not a big deal.

You will be able to take an optimistic view that even if you fail a little, you can try again and try a different method next time.


People who aren’t afraid to fail don’t care what others think


People who are afraid of failure are characterized by a strong concern for the evaluation of others.

I’m terribly afraid that others will think I’m a bad person when I fail.

This kind of thinking becomes stronger the older you get, and you come to feel strongly that failure is embarrassing and that you will be laughed at by others.

As a result, before taking any action, we come to think that “I will fail anyway” or “It is better not to try than to fail”.

Rather than “failure” itself, I’m more afraid of “the reaction of people around me after I fail”.

On the other hand, people who aren’t afraid to fail don’t care what others think of them.

Because they do not place importance on evaluations from others, they are not swayed and live by making decisions based on their own values.

I don’t care what other people say about me.

Some people say it’s okay to be hated by others.

There may be some original personality, but some people are tired of being misled by others’ evaluations and have stopped caring.

People who aren’t afraid to make mistakes can be said to be selfish people, because they don’t always listen to other people’s opinions.

People who are not afraid to fail are better teams than individuals


When working in teams, each member is assigned a specific role.

A person who leads the members as a leader, a person who assists the leader,
There are active members, cautious members, and behind-the-scenes supporters.

You will be pushing toward team goals while accomplishing individual tasks.

In order to achieve team goals, some members will need to hide in the shadows of others’ successes or play the role of the unpopular.

Sometimes there are members who sacrifice for the success of the team.

Sacrifice may sound negative, but it’s also a way to contribute to your team.

When a sacrifice is made to bring out the success of another member, the victim is ostensibly a failure.

However, since it is an action taken to achieve the team’s goal, the person in question does not stick to the result that “I failed”.

You can think that it was your role to make the best use of the members.

These people know that they will fail in advance and take action because it is necessary for the big purpose of the team goal.

People who see the whole team rather than individual success or failure can act without fear of failure.


How to become a person who is not afraid of failure



Motivate yourself by thinking about times when you did well

Fear of failure is perfectly normal, but being paralyzed by fear of failure is not a normal state of mind.

It’s too negative a way of thinking to focus on the fear of when things don’t go your way, even though the road to achieving your goals is right in front of you.

If you’re simply paralyzed by the fear of failure, it’s simply a matter of the heart.

Problems of the heart can be solved with one feeling.

In order to become a person who can act without fear of failure, let’s think about things other than what we fear.

It’s more motivating to think about what went well and act on it, rather than dwell on the disappointing results.

Instead of thinking about what you should do if you fail, think that if you succeed, something good will be waiting for you, and you will act for that good thing.

People who achieve great things think only of the bright future and go straight for the results they want.

If you fill your head with the fun things that happen after you succeed, your fear of failure will go away.

Work hard from what you can do

If you’re afraid of failing, it’s better to work hard from what you can do without feeling fear.

The worst thing you can do is stop for fear of failure.

When you have completed a task, praise yourself for doing your best to achieve your goal.

Even if you’re still a long way from reaching your final goal, it’s important to recognize that you’ve taken one step forward and feel a sense of accomplishment.

A sense of accomplishment will motivate you to take the next step.

If you keep moving forward steadily, you should gradually come to understand what to do next and how to work hard to achieve your big goals.

The feeling of fear of failure will have calmed down considerably at that time.

People who can act without fear of failure are people who are not afraid of failure in the first place.

It is not easy for someone who is already afraid of failure to suddenly let go of that fear.

If you’re feeling scared, just do what you can until it calms down.

The sense of accomplishment that you have done the job you are asked to do turns into confidence, and confidence makes you forget your fears.


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Thank you for reading to the end.


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