


パパは「ゴジラ-1.0」を観に行ったよね! どうだった?「ゴジラ-1.0」観に行ったよ!観たので話したくてしょうがないので話します。日本が生んだ特撮怪獣映画の金字塔「ゴジラ」の生誕70周年記念作品で、日本で製作された実写のゴジラ映画としては通算30作目となります。「ALWAYS 三丁目の夕日」シリーズをはじめ「永遠の0」「寄生獣」など数々の話題作を生み出してきたヒットメーカーの山崎貴が監督・脚本・VFXを手がけました。タイトルの「−1.0」の読みは「マイナスワン」。舞台は戦後の日本。戦争によって焦土と化し、なにもかもを失い文字通り「無(ゼロ)」になったこの国に、追い打ちをかけるように突如ゴジラが出現します。ゴジラはその圧倒的な力で日本を「負(マイナス」へと叩き落とします。戦争を生き延びた名もなき人々は、ゴジラに対して生きて抗う術を探っていく物語です。そこで今回の記事は、「ゴジラ-1.0」を観るべき3つの理由を解説します。(場合によってはネタバレしますので、知りたくない方はスルーしてくださいね!)

What is your rating for Godzilla-1.0? 3 Reasons to Watch Scary Godzilla

Dad went to see “Godzilla-1.0”, right? how was it? I went to see “Godzilla-1.0”! I saw it and I can't help but want to talk about it, so I'll talk about it. This is a work commemorating the 70th anniversary of the birth of Godzilla, the monumental special effects monster movie produced in Japan.This is the 30th live-action Godzilla movie produced in Japan. Including the "ALWAYS Sunset on Third Street" series, "Eien no 0", "Parasyte", etc.Takashi Yamazaki, a hit maker who has produced many popular works, directed, wrote, and created the VFX. "-1.0" in the title is read as "minus one." The setting is postwar Japan.It was reduced to scorched earth by the war, and literally everything was lost. Godzilla suddenly appears in this country, which has become "zero", as if to add insult to injury.Godzilla uses his overwhelming power to knock Japan down to the negative level.This is a story about nameless people who survived the war and find a way to survive and resist Godzilla.Therefore, in this article, I will explain three reasons why you should watch "Godzilla-1.0".(In some cases, there will be spoilers, so if you don't want to know, please skip!)